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Video: EVERY Battleground State in 2020 Announced They Were Going to Quit Counting on Election Night

After Trump Was Roaring to Victory - Then Lied and Kept Counting… What Was Bill Barr’s Role in This?


On Election night in November 2020 President Trump was soundly defeating Joe Biden. The election was won by Trump when Americans went to bed.

Then something took place that Americans had never experienced in over 200 years of its existence. News broke that the battleground states were going to quit counting votes for the night. This had NEVER taken place in US history.

AMUSE reposted this video compilation on Sunday.


Overnight, Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of mysterious votes for Joe Biden into the battleground states. There was collusion. Four days later even Pennsylvania, where they locked the doors on the counting rooms and prevented Republican observers from entering, had gone to Joe Biden. Trump was ahead in the state by nearly 800,000 votes on Election night!

That’s never happened in election history but it’s totally not suspicious at all.
Let’s just make a joke about it and move on!

This was classic election fraud. The entire country knew it then and knows it now. The pretenders in the fake news immediately started pushing the notion that Joe Biden, who never held an honest rally the entire election season, had captured 81 million votes. It was the greatest crime in US history.

Today we are starting to understand Attorney General Bill Barr‘s role in this historic criminal act.

** Bill Barr refused to investigate the Muskegon GBI Strategies voter fraud scandal. GBI Strategies dumped thousands of bogus voter registrations into numerous Michigan counties weeks before the 2020 election. Bill Barr killed the investigation and smacked down the Trump administration whistleblower who brought it to the DOJ’s attention.

** Bill Barr knew about the dozens of crimes committed by the Biden Family but hid the Hunter Biden laptop from the public during President Trump’s farcical impeachment trial and Barr hid it from the American public prior to the 2020 election.

** Bill Barr screamed at investigator Tony Shaffer for looking into the USPS ballot trafficking scandal from New York to Pennsylvania. Barr killed that investigation, too!

** Bill Barr and FBI Director Chris Wray covered-up the most glaring evidence of election fraud in 2020 – the State Farm Center late-night ballot stuffing scandal. Wray and Barr published a dishonest report and lied to the American public.

This is just a partial list of Bill Barr’s actions before, during and after the 2020 election.

Bill Barr played a major role in the scheme to remove President Trump by any means necessary.

When will Bill Barr face justice?

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