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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Video: Funeral Home Director: COVID Medications, Not the Virus, Triggers 250 Percent Increase In Deaths

In this compelling video, a British funeral undertaker speaks to an independent journalist giving first-hand testimony revealing what has really been happening with the dead from care homes and hospitals. Undertaker, John O’Looney talks of the lies and shenanigans spun by corrupt politicians and media to brainwash the public into believing there exists a ‘deadly virus’. Lindie Naughton interviews this candid funeral director to learn that due to medication given during the pandemic “Deaths jumped 250 percent when injections began.”

“As part of my work I visit hospitals routinely. During the pandemic I got to speak to many medical staff. We all understood we were being lied to and this was fraud,” says O’Looney.

The undertaker explains it is routine that when collecting the dead for burial/cremation they keep a mortuary register (a kind of ‘guest book’) this shows a record of any usual events. The undertaker explains that he saw, during the pandemic, unusual patterns of high deaths at care homes where the vast majority deaths were known by staff not to be from COVID19 but more likely due to the medication given to the elderly.


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