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Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Public Absentee Drop Boxes ILLEGAL!

A ballot trafficker in Michigan drops several ballots in Detroit drop box (MC4EI)


The Wisconsin Supreme Court today ruled that absentee drop boxes are illegal in the state.

The court ruled 4-3 that the drop boxes can only be placed INSIDE election offices.

This is horrible news for Democrats.

The recent documentary “2000 Mules” revealed how Democrats used the ballot drop boxes in severarl states in an organized national ballot trafficking scam.

The movie revealed that hundreds of thousands of votes were stolen in 2020 using the ballot drop boxes.

Here is a copy of today’s ruling.

WISCONSIN SUPREME COURT Rules Public Drop Boxes Illegal by Jim Hoft on Scribd

The AP reported:

Wisconsin’s conservative-controlled Supreme Court ruled Friday that absentee ballot drop boxes may be placed only in election offices, dealing critical defeats to Democrats in the battleground state.

The court did not address the question of whether anyone other than the voter can return his or her own ballot by mail. Election officials and others had argued that drop boxes are a secure and convenient way for voters to return ballots.

The decision sets absentee ballot rules for the Aug. 9 primary and the fall election; Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson and Democratic Gov. Tony Evers are seeking reelection in key races.

The court’s 4-3 ruling also has critical implications in the 2024 presidential race, in which Wisconsin will again be among a handful of battleground states. President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in 2020 by just under 21,000 votes, four years after Trump narrowly won the state by a similar margin.




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